![]() With each passing day it is becoming clear that the Obama Regime didn't simply make a mistake when it attributed the terrorist attack on our Libyan Consulate to an obscure YouTube Video. It's becoming clear that the Obama Regime, when it heard of the incident, actually scrambled, behind the scenes, to place politics above the security of our nation and invented and promoted a "suitable lie" to an unsuspecting and gullible public. And to make matters worse, Barack Obama wasted no time and trotted in front of the United Nations to offer "apologies" to our enemies, based on a false narrative that his own people concocted out of thin air, and his "apologies" border on treason! Obama's not DENYING... he's LYING, and as Congress "investigates" this incident, we need to make it clear that simply giving the American people "the facts" is NOT ENOUGH. Someone needs to go to jail over this fraud and deceit, and with your help, we're going to send that message to Congress right here and right now. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. The Obama Regime Isn't Denying... Elected Officials Are Lying. He heard him audaciously attempt to blame our intelligence community, but good ol' Joe wasn't mistaken, he wasn't simply acting crazy. He was following orders and perpetuating a strategically planned and pre-determined lie. Prior to the debate, Obama's deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutler floated the same lie and even had the nerve to tell the American people that it was all Mitt Romney's fault. According to The Daily Caller: "Stephanie Cutter, offered no apology and refused to resign for playing politics with the murders of four Americans in Libya a month ago... On CNN on Thursday, Cutter said Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s campaign is the only reason anyone cares about the administration’s changing narrative about the Sept. 11 attack on the Benghazi embassy." Cutler wasn't the only one. Breitbart tells us: "DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told a stunned Piers Morgan on Wednesday (prior to the VP Debate) that although the White House made incorrect statements about the Libya attack, it didn't mean 'they were false' because the White House didn't actually know they were incorrect statements." It's clear, Barack Hussein Obama has placed his own selfish interests ahead of the nation he has sworn to serve and he has enlisted others to advance a lie that jeopardizes our national security. He deserves to be impeached but, with only days to go before Americans hit the polls, we know Congress won't issue the call for impeachment. But we need to make it clear, if they can't do what should be done, they can at least move quickly, before the election, and make it clear to every individual in the Obama Regime: If you perpetrate a lie for the Obama Regime that places America in jeopardy, you will be held to account... you will go to jail... or, at the very least, your life will be ruined. Heads must roll. The American people will settle for nothing less than swift justice. And the time to send that message is right now. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Specialist Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Glen Doherty And Tyrone Woods Dead Because Of One Man's Insatiable And Blind Ego. Lives were placed in jeopardy simply to conceal from the American people that Barack Obama's proclaimed "Arab Spring" was an abject failure. And when the unthinkable happened anyway, the Obama Regime placed our National Security in jeopardy by doubling-down on the deception that lead to the tragic death of these brave Americans in the first place. Is the leader of the free world that narcissistic... that self-absorbed? Is he simply an incompetent buffoon? Or... is the truth much worse? The American people already know the answers to those questions. The American people don't need answers, the American people deserve justice. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. American Lives Are Not Just "Bumps In The Road." No big deal... and, as Obama's minions preached to us with straight faces, it wasn't the Great One's fault either. The senseless attack was nothing more than a spontaneous and unforeseen response by a mob of people to an obscure post on YouTube. Anyone with half-a-brain knew it was a horrendously clumsy lie the second it was uttered, even as Obama himself tried, in vain, to make it true. He even went, hat in hand, to the United Nations and offered the enemies of America yet another apology: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." He apologized to THEM after THEY murdered Americans! But what is even more sickening than the childish cover story and the childish attempts to deceive the American people into believing that it was true, was the childish reason for the cover-up... information that is finally coming to light because intelligence officials can no longer stay silent. Bill Gertz, veteran journalist and Senior Editor for the Washington Free Beacon wrote that "the Obama administration sought to keep the information from becoming public to avoid exposing what the officials say is a Middle East policy failure by Obama." Senior U.S. intelligence officials also told Gertz that Team Obama engaged "in a disinformation campaign aimed at distancing the president personally during the peak of the presidential election campaign from the disaster in Benghazi." And one officials told Gertz: "The Obama Administration is afraid to admit al Qaeda is running rampant throughout the region because it would expose the truth instead of what President Obama so pompously spouted during the Democratic Convention.” He lied to US and he apologized to OUR ENEMIES to SAVE HIS POLITICAL SKIN... and if Congress can't bring the American people justice, then none of them deserve to be in office next year. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. But The Obama Regime Isn't Simply Covering Up A "Policy Failure" ... What We Already Know Is Even More Shocking. It's almost as if someone wanted Stevens dead. Lt. Col. Andy Wood, a Green Beret with the Utah National Guard who headed the team assigned to protect Stevens and Libyan embassy personnel told CBS News that his sixteen man team and another six-man team were recalled from the embassy a month prior to the September 11th attack. According to FOX News, Woods said "it was unbelievable to him that the State Department decreased security in Libya when it did, [after] he showed them how dangerous and volatile and unpredictable the entire environment in Libya was with at least 13 security incidents before September 11th backing up his case." You read that right. AFTER multiple reports that Stevens' life was in jeopardy, Wood's unit and another unit assigned to protect Stevens were ordered back to the United States. For those who asked why Stevens' security was so lax, there's the answer... an answer which raises far too many disturbing questions... questions that demand answers. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. "Revealed: Jihadists Had Threatened To Kill Ambassador On FACEBOOK And The U.S. Consulate In Libya Was Attacked TWICE Before 9/11 Anniversary." The terrorists responsible for the attack on our consulate in Libya actually announced their intentions on Facebook (yeah... Facebook) beforehand and apparently, even Stevens had knowledge of the Facebook post. According to The Daily Mail: "One such post mentioned the route that Stevens took on his morning jog, prompting the diplomat to briefly stop running for his own safety." Requests for more security were ignored and FBI investigations into the incident were stonewalled under the premise that the "crime scene" wasn't safe. Of course, safety issues didn't stop CNN reporters from picking up Stevens' diary from the rubble. Entries confirmed that Stevens knew he was in grave danger. And how did the Obama Regime react to CNN reporters doing the job it had refused to do. Philippe Reines, a State Department spokesman, called CNN's actions “indefensible.” A reporter with The Daily Caller wrote: "considering my own encounter with the State Department and the way they’ve handled it — lying and stonewalling — it’s nauseating to watch them pontificate about ethics. To them, I’m just another 'bump in the road.' Literally." Negligence that can't simply be attributed to gross incompetence? ... outrageous lies? ... stonewalling, cover-ups and refusals to investigate? ... there's much more going on here than meets the eye, and the deception is unconscionable. We demand justice. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. It's Almost As If Someone Wanted Stevens Dead. Those who maintain suspicions can't be dismissed. Gross incompetence coupled with intricate and highly complex disinformation campaigns will only lead rational people to conclude that something smells rotten in the State of Denmark. And a lack of concrete and plausible answers will only lead even rational people to speculate and imagine the worst. Rush states: "U.S. diplomats in Libya were repeatedly denied enhanced security precautions by the Obama administration prior to the Sept. 11 attack on the consulate." The "Other Rush" goes on to ask, "why would Stevens and his staff have been consigned to such a dangerous detail with horribly substandard protection, and repeatedly denied augmented security? In my view, this is the pertinent question, because it speaks far more to Obama’s duplicity and ruthlessness." Why indeed? In that regard, Rush is right and once and for all, the American people deserve to know whether the man who is likely ineligible to sit in the Oval Office and has committed scores of impeachable offenses is also one of the greatest security threats to the United States. Is that too much to ask. We think not. We must make our voices heard now. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. ![]() Floyd Brown The Center for Western Journalism42104 N Venture Drive Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086 (202) 370-6366 |
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