Friday, October 26, 2012

Urgent Message from Michael Reagan
Dear Newsmax Reader:
I keep hearing that this election is going to be just like my Dad's landslide win against Jimmy Carter.
I hope they are right!
But they are wrong in thinking Barack Obama is Jimmy Carter. He isn't.
He is much more dangerous.

And it's critically important to understand the difference between the two if we are going to defeat him.
First, let's start with how they are same.
Both Carter and Obama presided over a major economic recession.
Both had a "blame America first policy" in foreign affairs.
Barack Obama's foreign policy is a mess, but we won't see the results of it until a second term, God forbid.
With Carter we had the Iran hostage crisis and Soviet adventurism in Afghanistan and Latin America.
Both simply hated conservatives. Both were egomaniacs and control freaks.
Now for the real differences.
Barack Obama is eminently more "likable" than Jimmy Carter.
Polls suggest he's even more likable than Mitt Romney.
And that's the danger. That the American people fall into the "likability" trap.
If you noticed, Barack Obama and his wife have been hitting all the late night chat shows, — Leno, Letterman, Kimmel.
Obama even dissed Prime Minister Netanyahu to have a love fest chat on "The View."
The Obamas want to talk about everything except their record.
They want to be liked!
So far, their strategy has worked.
But we have another strategy: getting Americans to focus on Obama's performance as president.
I believe it is even worse than Jimmy Carter's!
And yet Obama is ahead in many polls and even leads in several swing states.
Clearly, the liberal media are pulling out the stops to get him re-elected.
They fear Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
As you may know, I am National Chairman of Super PAC for America.
This is a remarkable organization that played a key role in the GOP winning Congress in 2010.
Its chief strategist is Dick Morris, the former presidential political adviser who has a history of winning big political races, often when his candidate was declared the "loser" by the big media.
Dick and I share the same philosophy. This election is about one thing: Barack Obama's job performance.
The more we focus voters — especially swing voters — on Obama's record — he loses!
Frankly, the Romney campaign has not run ads as effectively as they could have. This may be a reason he lags in key states.
Right now we are airing ads in 5 critical swing states. In two of them, Florida and Virginia, it looks like we have had a major effect and Obama is now well behind.
Super PAC for America needs to expand to 3 more additional swing states by early next week.
We urgently need your help to do so — Please Donate Here Now
Dick Morris and I have produced a powerful new ad that is taken from the second presidential debate.
During the debate, Gov. Romney smashed Obama on his job performance, detailing all of his failings.
It's a powerful statement of what's at stake.

Super PAC for America has used Mitt's remarks and put them into a 60-second ad.
It works really well. If you haven't seen it — Go Here Now.
Not only does it present the simple and honest "facts" about Obama, but it's done in a way that shows Mitt Romney as "likable" — he is a patriotic American like you and me, a family man who cares about this country.
He has no personal gripe against Barack Obama.
I think you will agree that the future of our country is at stake.
Four more years of Obama and we may not recognize our great country!
With days to go before Election Day, I am asking you to take a stand with me.
I am asking you to take a personal stand. To support us financially in this endeavor
to stop and roll back Obama's radical agenda.
If you will stand with me and for America — Donate Here Now
I can't thank you enough for helping us so far.
Back two months ago, Mitt Romney was already declared the loser.
We have fought the good fight. Mitt can win this. He will win this.
With your help and God's favor, nothing can stop him.
Please help him today — Go Here Now
Yours for America,
Mike Reagan
P.S. I am appending Dick Morris' recent letter about our new ad and Super PAC. In case you missed it, please read it below. And one more thing, after donating, please forward this email to friends and family. Let's go viral! We can take back America! Donate Here Now!

Urgent Message from Dick Morris

Re: Mitt Romney's Indictment of Obama Record

Dear Newsmax Reader:
Now with just over a week before D-Day -- our national election -- the key swing states are showing Obama is in deep trouble.
There are real indications that Obama's camp is simply abandoning significant ad buys in Florida, Virginia and N. Carolina.
Remember those states they said were "in the bag" for Obama?
Now, they are pulling up their stakes and moving dwindling campaign funds into a handful of swing states -- states Romney is gaining in.
I predicted weeks ago that this would happen.
Obama simply can't win a national election and he can't win all the key "swing" states his campaign targeted.
Frankly, we have Barack Obama on the run.
Typically, Democrats hold a big advantage over the Republicans among women voters. The pundits calls this the "gender gap."
But the AP poll released Thursday had a political shocker: Mitt Romney is tied with Obama among women voters at 47 percent!
This is stunning news. Obama can't win re-election without holding a majority of women!
He is in deep trouble and the Obama camp knows it.
And one reason why are turning the corner is that Super PAC for America is holding Obama's feet to the fire.
This is the Super PAC headed by its national chair Mike Reagan.
Mike has brought together some of the great minds of the GOP, including people who helped his Dad win two landslide elections, to make sure that Mitt Romney wins on Election Day and that Barack Obama is put into early retirement.
Mike asked me to serve as chief strategist for Super PAC for America and to create the TV ads that can turn the tide for Mitt.
We are doing just that -- thanks to the tens of thousands of donors who are supporting Super PAC.
Our first Super PAC ad is a powerful expose of Obama's dismal job record.
It is powerful in its simplicity: a black screen that lists Obama's dismal economic numbers -- followed by chants of "Four more years!" A voice comes on at the end of the screen and says: "You've got to be kidding!"
When I watched Mitt Romney at the second debate, I saw him use the same focus.
I was so impressed with Mitt's comments about Obama I created a powerful new ad for Super PAC -- using Mitt's very own words.
In fact, Mitt's remarks may prove to be the turning point of the campaign.
They are the equivalent of Ronald Reagan's 1980 debate line that crushed Jimmy Carter: "Are you better off than you were four years ago."
You can see the new Super PAC ad by Going Here Now.
Right now, we have our first Super PAC ad in 5 key swing states -- Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Florida, and Iowa.
We'd like to continue this effort and grow the campaign into other potential swing states, such as Nevada and New Hampshire.
But we urgently need funds to do so -- if you can help please Donate Here Now
I believe that the final holdouts -- the swing voters who have yet to decide -- will fall overwhelmingly into Mitt's column.
But we need to keep the focus on Obama and his failure to lead, his failure to perform, his failure to make America's economy grow.
You probably heard Mitt's eloquent and persuasive case made during the second debate.
Here's what Mitt Romney said:
"I can tell you that if you were to elect President Obama, you know what you’re going to get. You’re going to get a repeat of the last four years. . .
"He said that by now we’d have unemployment at 5.4 percent. The difference between where it is and 5.4 percent is 9 million Americans without work.
"I wasn’t the one that said 5.4 percent. This was the president’s plan — didn’t get there.
"He said he would have by now put forward a plan to reform Medicare and Social Security because he pointed out they’re on the road to bankruptcy. He would reform them. He’d get that done.
"He hasn’t even made a proposal on either one.
"He said in his first year he’d put out an immigration plan that would deal with our immigration challenges — didn’t even file it.
"This is a president who has not been able to do what he said he’d do. He said that he’d cut in half the deficit. He hasn’t done that either. In fact, he doubled it.
"He said that by now middle-income families would have a reduction in their health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year. It’s gone up by $2,500 a year. And if 'Obamacare' is passed — or implemented, it’s already been passed — if it’s implemented fully, it’ll be another $2,500 on top.
"The middle class is getting crushed under the policies of a president who has not understood what it takes to get the economy working again. He keeps saying, look, I’ve created 5 million jobs.
"That’s after losing 5 million jobs. The entire record is such that the unemployment has not been reduced in this country.
"The unemployment, the number of people who are still looking for work, is still 23 million Americans.
"There are more people in poverty — one out of six people in poverty.
"How about food stamps? When he took office, 32 million people were on food stamps; today 47 million people are on food stamps.
"How about the growth of the economy? It’s growing more slowly this year than last year and more slowly last year than the year before.
"The president wants to do well; I understand. But the policies he’s put in place, from 'Obamacare' to Dodd-Frank to his tax policies to his regulatory policies — these policies combined have not let this economy take off and grow like it could have."
Wow! What a powerful indictment of Obama's record -- and spoken in a nonjudgmental way!
I believe if Americans hear this, and think about it, they will vote with us and Mitt Romney will become our next president.
But I need your help to make sure this happens.
Right now, Mike Reagan and Super PAC for America are making last-minute decisions to grow our major media offensive against Obama.
Any help you can give will make a big difference -- please Donate Here Now.
Super PAC wants to continue in the key swing states and put more ads on the air.
We also want to share these ads across the Internet to millions of Internet users who will be using the Web to help them make up their minds.
If you have already donated, please donate again by Going Here Now
And remember, the Super PAC for America can accept corporate and personal donations of unlimited amount.
Frankly, if you sent $100,000 it could be decisive in some of these key swing states, especially where polls show the race will be close.
But even donations of $1000, $500, $250 or $100 can make a huge difference.
And thousands of people even making $25 or $50 donations can help us win medium-sized markets in key swing states.
Paul Ryan said today "this is the most important election of our lifetime."
He added we are deciding the "destiny of our country."
I couldn't agree more. I know you do too.

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